Vic Bloomberg, EdD, LCSW has been a licensed psychotherapist in San Diego, California since 1991. His passions, learning-by-listening and healing-by-caring,  are rooted in personal experience. In the first podcast episode, Dr. Bloomberg put it this way:

I need help from my friends, which is what I tell everybody. You know: self-management, ask for a little help from your friends, be part of a wonderful village to live in and join a societal purpose, a greater good. That's the way for ongoing healing and empowerment, returning to the Human Experience, after being seen as an It, an Other, a Thing.

A Super-Short Story

I’ve been a social worker since 1984 and in private practice for more than 30 years. My experience spans big companies, little nonprofits and the entrepreneurial. Now it is time to say a little about my values, answer the question “Can my lessons-learned be useful to you?” Feel free to share my articles to help your clients.

  • Sometimes I think that the world is going to “Hell-in-a-Handbasket” (Dante's Inferno, c1321.) During World War I, soldiers whose four limbs were blown off were transported in baskets rather than stretchers - a Hellscape if there ever was one - creating psychological trauma which came to be known as Shell Shock. My grandfather served in that war, and my father served in the Second World War. They have “passed away”, but not before they passed on their rage to people around them. Can we, persons injured from rage passed on from the past, heal? Yes, people can turn trauma into power guided by love. The stories and reflections presented here reveal ways people free themselves. A lot of the suffering presented in psychotherapy is rooted in the have/have-not divide and other societal injustices. That is why everything here is free to share for educational purposes.

  • Once upon a time, I was a beginner. I was an artist who made things that did not sell, a cook who made only a little money and a young husband who needed a better job. I went back to school and became a social worker.

    One thing led to another and I became a licensed psychotherapist, but I had “imposter syndrome”. Actually, I was simply a “newbie”. I hoped that a lot of training and reading would help me help others. The key was learning-by-doing, day-in/day-out, year after year.

    It wasn’t enough, though. I had to “un-messify” myself. I wish I had sooner been able to put to rest the trauma that had been passed down through the generations and inflicted upon me, and by me onto others. Actually, it is “into”. It gets into us. What gets into us? That we’re an “It”, a “Thing”. Together, we can reclaim humanity, dignity and joy.

  • Blogs are posted in response to themes revealed in psychotherapy and supervision with me. I keep them short and use common language that draws upon the results that I see in my private practice with clients and interns.

    Each podcast is about twenty minutes. I don’t know how often I will post an episode. The first one, “A Psychotherapist Gets Counseling,” took me months to make. Sound quality is tough to do, because I’m a novice. The second explores the connection between power and love. Stay tuned …

Dr. Bloomberg’s work reflects a central tenet of his beliefs, Martin Buber’s “I and Thou”. Buber describes seeing and relating to other people as our equals in humanity and dignity; he also observes that people do the contrary, treating others as things. The work of psychotherapy with Dr. Bloomberg is to get out of being an object and get back to being seen as a person deserving consideration, respect, understanding, and kindness.
As a family friend for over 50 years, I’ve had the opportunity to see Victor handle the kinds of extreme and difficult situations that individuals and families get faced with in life. He has managed painful, sensitive, complicated issues - he works to be in a place of compassion, grace, and consideration for everyone involved. He doesn’t just talk I-and-Thou. He lives it.
— Lou Cannon, PsyD


Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Expires April 2027)

Doctor of Higher Education and Social Change

Master of Social Work

B.A. Visual Arts - Studio


ACSW Supervision

Basic Relapse Prevention

Board Certified Diplomate - CSW



Peace Corps - Paraguay

Request your free 20-minute call. >>

There are two kinds of services: Educational and Psychotherapy. In your message, please let me know the type of consultation that you want.

An educational consultation could be about a presentation to a group, an article for a publication, a podcast, training curriculum, etc.

Counseling or psychotherapy can be in-person or by Telehealth (according to the rules governing where you live.)