Guidance & Support for Mental Health Professionals
Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or unsure of how to best help your clients?
This educational site can help you and your clients work together to achieve the purposes of therapy.
Healing and Empowerment
For more than 30 years I have been providing counseling, psychotherapy, and professional mentorship. I share the insights of other therapists as well as my own:
What supports healing and what gets in the way?
How can therapy help when the world we live in is harmful?
In-person and remote options
My office is conveniently located in San Diego, California. Can’t make it to the office? We can easily connect via Telehealth.
I use the HIPAA-compliant Telehealth service Doxy.me. It is private, secure and confidential.
Montage by Victor Bloomberg, October 3, 2021
Some insurance is accepted and clients obtain approval through Rula Mental Health.
You can learn more at:
https://www.rula.com/providers/CA/1083010789-victor-bloomberg Use Contact to schedule a free 20-minute consult and I will answer your questions. Thank you.
Even the most experienced clinicians have moments when we get stuck.
Sometimes any of us might:
Doubt our own expertise
Face a challenging client
Grapple with an ethical dilemma
Imagine the result of a consultation with me:
Calmness from self-confidence
Empowerment from knowledge
Client makes progress from working with you
The Tried-and-True Way*:
Be caring and earn trust
Pay attention and listen
Confirm understanding before giving feedback
*Don’t you wish that all counselors, supervisors and educators did their job this way?
We are in a room together and you want to know my purpose. My reply:
In countless settings throughout my life, I have seen words used to confuse or manipulate on the one hand, and heal or liberate on the other hand. Sometimes fancy words cover up someone’s lack of knowledge, understanding or skill. Other times jargon is like a language for members of a club and outsiders are mystified by it. My blog presents concepts and examples for beginner and expert clinicians. The podcast demystifies the healing power of psychotherapy through conversations with people who do it. Why? So that we can learn-by-listening to people who heal-by-caring, and share that with colleagues and clients. This is my purpose, my joy.
My services
Counseling & Psychotherapy
Coaching, Consulting, Training, & Speaking
"One of the things I like about consulting with Victor is that he's a creative thinker. When I feel stuck, he offers a slight shift in perspective. Victor reflects the strengths of people which come through the stories I tell. The storytelling becomes collaborative as we think out loud together. I appreciate that he has through the years noted my strengths and this reinforces me. Victor's relational in the moment, he accepts me as a person which is the same thing that our clients need from us. I appreciate when he brings in psychodynamic themes such as recurring patterns. And Victor is really good on the ethical stuff with challenging situations. Sometimes it is difficult to see the forest from the trees, but then he mirrors back to me in his authentic way and it becomes clear what to do and how to be."
— Susan Wingfield-Ritter, LMFT, MAC, Private Practice, San Diego, CA
Real Life Stories
Lessons Learned from Undivided Attention
"He knows his stuff. The breadth of Victor's knowledge is so wide that he can articulate and reframe concepts in a way that is helpful for me. He has an ability to draw upon the best knowledge, to consolidate it and then I can use it. I would tell him the stories and then he'd pull it together, make it succinct, understandable. I've had a lot of supervisors, but in his hands I would say 'thank you God.' His compassion for the human condition makes all the difference."
— Aspasia Birmingham, LMFT , Private Practice, San Diego, CA